The office entrance is across from Bean Scene/Sticks and Stones off of Dickson Ave. Take the elevator up to the 11th floor and turn right. The office is located in the Regus office suite. Upon arrival, you can report to the Regus front desk (at Suite 1100). Your therapist will come and get you at your appointment time.

*Note: if your session begins after 5:30pm, please text your therapist upon arrival and they will come and unlock the front doors for you.

Parking Info: For daytime appointments (sessions ending before 6 pm): there is complimentary visitor 2-hour parking located in the Landmark 6 Parkade which is accessible via Dickson Ave or Dayton St. (see below for location). Please note the parkade gate will be locked at 6 pm. For evening appointments, or if you plan to stay more than 2 hours: Park in the gravel area off Dunn Street ($1/hr with a 2-hour minimum).

Divergent Psychotherapy

1100-1631 Dickson Avenue, Landmark 6, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 4R9

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